12 – 18 January, 2024

Our online gathering has concluded.  Many thanks to all who participated and especially the Dance Leaders from near and far that contributed their gifts and transmission.  It was such a blessing!

Special thanks to Jamila Cranston-Buckley and Jamia Haqq for your meditations, karakia and attunements.  And to all the overseas Dance Leaders, Ya Shakur! 

Please consider adding to our koha, to be gifted to the overseas leaders – details below.


We would like to offer our overseas guest leaders a financial koha for the generosity of their time and effort. 

NZ Participants: You are invited to deposit what you are able into the Dance Camp Aotearoa account for that purpose.

Kiwi Bank: 38-9017-0384830-00

Overseas Participants: We would value your contribution to this dana / koha payment to our guests leaders.  Your donation can be made via Paypal – this is a $USA account. If paying in another currency there will be exchange fees.  https://www.paypal.com/us/home using this email address: jean.mcelhaney1@gmail.com

Guest Dance Leaders

Thanks in large part to Prem and Amrita, many overseas dance leaders have shared breath with us at Dance Camp Aotearoa (or Mana) over the years. We are delighted that  Abraham and Halima Sussman, Zebunissa Parker, Leilah Be, Gayan, Narayan, Allaudin, Malika Elena Salazar, and Maitreya Jon Stevens have all agreed to join us.