The Core Group

Every year a hard working team of volunteers create an amazing, magical place where each person can find what they are looking for: from a delicious chocolate cake with coffee, heart-filled community, to a meaningful connection with a friend while chopping veggies. This is only possible because of the Camp Core Group – people who voluntarily and enthusiastically take up the challenge of organising and coordinating the camp community, sharing their skills and gifts with others.
The current team are:

The Camp Team and their role

Team Coordinator Contact details
Core Group Majid, Charmaine, Jo, Penny, Hadi and Sally Azima
Dance Programme Prem and Amrita Bhakti
Registrations Charmaine Wilson
Media and Advertising Sally Azima
Site management Majid/ Ray Edwards
Children & Youth Programme Penny Hanifan Co-ordinator - Willow Krivan, (children)
Website / Stalls and art display Charmaine Wilson
Finance Charmaine Wilson
Kitchen & Food Hadi Gurton
Kaiawhina, Karma Yoga & Woofers Jo Tavendale
Camp Coordination Sally Azima
Pastoral Care Jamila Cranston-Buckley
Scholarship Coordinator Charmaine Wilson