Programme & Activities

The main focus at Dance Camp are the Dances of Universal Peace, as experienced around the world. You can also enjoy early morning Sufi practices, a fun program for the children, and many participant-led workshops and activities or just take time out to be in bliss within heart-centred community

Early morning Sufi practices – a great way to start your day at Dance Camp. Breathing and sound practices, working with the five elements and meditation to reconnect with our breath supports one to become more centered and ready for the day. Practises are lead by Murshida Jamila Cranston-Buckley, Sufi teacher and lineage holder for the Inayati Sufi Order Aotearoa New Zealand.
For more information about sufism see

Morning Circle

Morning Circle follows after breakfast. This is a time for the camp community to gather and hear about the day’s programme, announcements, and other day to day information about camp. This is followed by the Morning Dance Session.

Auction , Stalls and Brick-a-Brack Table


Every year creative camp participants are welcome to set up a stall to share their wares… jewellery, art work, exotic clothing, and more to tempt camp-goers to restock their collections (in return for a small stall fee for the scholarship fund).

If you have any goods/crafts for sale (e.g. art, crafts, jewellery), you are welcome to bring your own equipment to set up a stall in the designated area. It’s also a good idea to bring a cash float. Please notify Linde if you wish to hold a stall  contact Linde at

There is also an auction and a  “brick-a-brack” table, featuring donated quality items from participants… the purchase of these items contributes to the Scholarship Fund, which enables folks who are financially stretched to come to Camp who might not otherwise be able to.

We encourage you to come to camp with items to contribute, and lots of cash to spend!

Camp participants kindly donate items, such as...

Quality goods – something you really love but are now ready to let go of (not your unwanted junk), an opportunity to practice abundance and non-attachment!

Offering Services – like a therapeutic treatment, a reading, a weekend at your bach, or stay at your place after Camp! . . . these are all greatly appreciated. Allow your creativity to run wild! Some items of higher value will be offered through a “silent auction” process.

Storytelling is a magic art and a way to open the heart and share ourselves deeper in community

Late afternoon people begin to gather in the shade of the story telling tree on mats and cushions, stirring from afternoon naps or revelling in the bliss a dance session. A feeling of anticipation, expectancy and excitement fills the air. Its story time! Adults and children alike settle down, a deep sense of comfort and ease in their bodies, as if they are already surrendered to the journey the stories will take them on. .

Children and Teens

We warmly welcome children and teens into our Heart-Family as they bring richness and joy to our community.

Children have a dedicated activity and craft area where they can play and be guided in activities if they wish during their whole time at camp. A small team of dedicated and creative adults (supported by a parent roster) run a facilitated program for 3 hours each morning.

Teens and Young Adults are held and supported by mentors and facilitators .  The activities on offer vary from intimate sharing circles, to fireside hot chocolate and life stories; from teen dance sessions and music making, to games and bush craft. Come prepared to be amazed.

Parent Meeting: Parents/caregivers (and other willing adults) and all the young people meet on Saturday morning with the team to co-ordinate a roster in support of the children during the mornings of camp. We also allocate parent oversight to care for the older children during the evening Dance sessions.

We are all invited to come to camp armed with games, board games, dress ups, tubes and water play gear, balls etc, and ideas for activities to share with the children. (Non-parents are welcome to take this opportunity to play too!)

While we encourage the whole community to look out for the safety and well-being of all children, the ultimate responsibility lies with their own parents and caregivers.

Children over 5 are encouraged to participate in the children’s programme each morning while the under 5’s are best supported by their parents at all times.

Children are welcome to join in any dance session, and parents are asked to support any children who are not dancing to hold the energy of stillness and quiet in the Marquee. Parents may like to take it in turns with other parents to be with their children outside of the dance space.


Some afternoons there is a special opportunity to experience devotional singing (or Kirtan). With the facilitation of a leader, sacred space is created where everyone can easily tune in with ancient chants and observe their mind coming into silence. Kirtan involves a leader singing the mantra and the participants singing it back. A single chant can go on for up to twenty minutes. As you sing with each other you may experience a deep connection with the musicians, the other people, and yourself.

Fun activities

While the day is structured around three main Dance Sessions (one in the morning, one mid-afternoon and one in the evening) there is ample time each day to chat, read, do a workshop, or propose any other fun or creative activity that is alive in you. Come with what you need, and put forward your offering to the community. For many, the challenge is to not feel compelled to “do everything” and then experience exhaustion by the riches on offer! Pacing oneself is important.