Items Needed

A community of over 100 people takes a lot of resources and “stuff” to flow well. The list below presents some of the items we need.

Perhaps you have something listed that you no longer need and could donate to camp? Or perhaps you would like to sponsor the purchase of an item through a donation?

Please get in touch with Majid at with offers, suggestions or comments.

  • Tarps and ropes
  • Large Whiteboard
  • Clothing rack or coat hangers (clothing stall)
  • Additional bedding and mattresses (foam swabs and air-beds/camping mattresses)
  • Tents for our overseas visitors
  • Solar fairy lights, extension cords, multi power plugs
  • Mattresses or large cushions for the snuggle pit
  • Large colourful flags, bunting & other festive decorations
  • Large Tent/marquee for the Children’s Programme and another for the Teens Base.

As Dance Camp grows in number we will outgrow our current marquee (which the teens will take over). We have begun a fund to purchase a much larger marquee from USA and welcome financial contributions of any size.