Do you want an opportunity to be the heart of Dance Camp?
kaiāwhina positions - Work Exchange
Participating as a kaiāwhina for the week gives you an opportunity to be a valuable part of the team, and the heart of Dance Camp. There is a wonderful reciprocity of giving and receiving.
Kaiāwhina means “assistant”, and as such you are an important part of the team for Dance Camp Aotearoa. Each year we offer around 6 positions. Kaiāwhinas work up to 4 hours a day during Camp, in return getting a half-price camp ticket. This allows a balance between work and joining in with Dance Camp activities. Some of our kaiāwhina return year after year. Kaiāwhina who are attracted to be part of Camp are often a hard working group from Aotearoa and different countries and cultures. They usually create a close knit group, working together and sharing the camp experience.
Each kaiāwhina is supported by a Key Role Holder who oversees the specific aspect of camp the kaiāwhina position contributes to.
What we ask of kaiāwhinas:
Arrive at 3pm on Thursday (the day before Camp starts) unless you are helping to put up the marquee in which case you need to come Thursday morning (10am). Some volunteers will be asked to help prepare a simple meal for the Thursday evening meal.
Friday we complete camp set-up. This is a big day when we all help get camp ready by 3pm (open for participants to arrive). Breakfast is at 8am followed a meeting at 9am for everyone present to allocate jobs for set-up day and show you your particular kaiāwhina task.
For the rest of camp, kaiāwhina have specific duties to perform each day.
On the final day of camp, kaiāwhina need to help until the end of camp clean-up, usually around 5pm.
Kaiāwhina are generally required to supply your own tent and bedding .
How to Apply?
Applcations available for 2025
If you would like a kaiāwhina position contact the core group at: nzdancecamp@gmail.com
Be quick! There are limited positions available and they tend to fill fast.